Ipchains Quiz Crossword
Down: 2) -J: means JUMP - it's what to do when a rule has been matched. Rules work from top to bottom: read in SEQUENTIAL order: the first match applies: the order of ipchains is CRITICAL. 3) DROP: The DROP policy tells the kernel to SILENTLY DISCARD packets. The sender of the packet does not know what has happened to them.5) -s: means -- source or --sport, it can be either a hostname, a network name, or an IP address; the ! means NOT this IP; --sport means source port; ports can be specified for tcp,udp or ICMP protocols.6) iptables -F INPUT; iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 23 -j DROP Across: 1) FOUR chains. The FOUR chains are INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT and user defined.4) 1. Append a new rule to the end of the INPUT chain; 2. apply this rule to a single protocol ie udp; 3. jump to DROP - which is to silently discard the packet, without notification to the sender.6) iptables -A input -p tcp -j ACCEPT -m state -m state ESTABLISHED, RELATED; or iptables -A iNPUT -p tcp -j ACCEPT -dport 22 -m state -state NEW7) DEFAULT is specified by the -P. [Capital P... think of PRINCIPLE] iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT; iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT; iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT; we normally end a table with the deny all rule to block all ports unless specifically listed.8) FORWARD: when an IP packet attempts to TRAVEL ACROSS a network, it passes through a FORWARD CHAIN.9) input -F INPUT; iptables -A -p tcp -s ! --dport 23 -j DROP; iptables -L


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