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VocabTest.com Material
Based on Words From:
1) Vocabulary Workshop®
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2) Vocabulary Power Plus®
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3) Wordly Wise 3000®
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Vocabulary Workshop Level E Unit 15 Crossword
2) subdue, contain
3) To agree or be of the same opinion
4) Filled with or motivated by devotion and eagerness to a cause; Fervent
5) False or groundless injury or slander done to another's good reputation or name
6) responsive, alert
7) NOT loud
9) unworried, smug
11) coarse, gruff
12) NOT take on
17) annoyance, disappointment
18) Characterized by a ready and continuous flow of speech
1) brawl, fight
7) Harsh or grating in sound; Rowdy and disorderly
8) expound, explain
10) NOT jumble
13) NOT ordinary
14) Drowsy; Tending to cause sleepiness
15) NOT nauseating
16) A fiendish, wild or riotous uproar
18) Extreme intensity of emotions or convictions
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