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VocabTest.com Material
Based on Words From:
1) Vocabulary Workshop®
Level A
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Level E
Level F
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Level H
2) Vocabulary Power Plus®
Book One
Book Two
Book Three
Book Four
3) Wordly Wise 3000®
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Book 12
Vocabulary Workshop Level E Unit 8 Crossword
1) Smooth and pleasant in manner
2) Having great variety; diverse
3) all-devouring
4) NOT decision
6) To render useless; To cripple
8) Expression of sympathy with a person in pain, sorrow, or misfortune
10) No longer practiced or accepted; Outdated
11) To laugh at with scorn; To ridicule
15) dislike, bitterness
17) A noisy festivity or celebration, merrymaking; To take great pleasure or delight
5) obstinate, wayward
7) NOT fit
9) Excessively unwilling to spend; Stingy
12) vengeance, revenge
13) honest, naive
14) To set apart as sacred
16) angst-ridden, uneasy
18) To express approval of; praise
19) fitting, similar
20) NOT interest
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