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VocabTest.com Material
Based on Words From:
1) Vocabulary Workshop®
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2) Vocabulary Power Plus®
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3) Wordly Wise 3000®
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Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 9 Crossword
1) beginner, neophyte
2) To reduce in amount or to make less
3) A person or thing that is the object of strong dislike
4) To be deliberately vague or use unclear expressions
5) To restore or revive from death or unconciousness
7) snobbish, turgid
9) Not on time or not prompt or marked by procrastination or delay
10) Guilty or deserving of blame
11) impoverishment, poorness
17) deplorable, very bad
19) Clearly or briefly expressed in few words
20) A moderate or small amount
2) Extreme desire for wealth or getting and keeping riches
6) NOT dumb
8) Sluggish or inactive
12) Hazy, vague or indistinct
13) uncertain, indecisive
14) untidy, disorderly
15) Excessive flattery or praise
16) Fleeting or passing away quickly
18) sum up, repeat
21) The act of assuming or supposing without proof
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