Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 7 Crossword
1) To talk about aimlessly or foolishly3) sinewy, athletic5) Resembling a corpse6) frustrate, upset8) Lacking worth or importance11) befoul, defile13) To make milder, softer or more endurable15) redress, compensation17) To cease from action; To stop doing something18) humiliate, shame |
2) Severe or stern in disposition or appearance; Harshly unadorned and simple4) envisage, invent7) destroy, rob9) A sum of money allotted on a regular basis; usually for some specific purpose10) churlish, insensitive12) To voice or convey disapproval of; to scold14) Strictly attentive to minute details of conduct or etiquette16) Susceptible to physical or emotional injury19) Characterized by charity and kindness20) august, monumental21) A breaking of a law or obligation22) intimidating, respectable |