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Based on Words From:
1) Vocabulary Workshop®
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Vocabulary Workshop Level H Unit 7 Crossword
1) corrupt, bastardize
2) A humorous and often malicious satire; To mock or ridicule in a satire
3) rowdy, incorrigible
4) capable of being shaped; also, adaptable
7) Unrestricted power to act at one's own discretion; unconditional authority
9) Of or involving clever rogues or adventurers
11) NOT formed
13) To annoy persistently; harass
14) Characterized by a mixture of opposite feelings or attitudes
17) romp, cavort
5) Experiencing nausea; nauseated
6) Great brilliance, as of performance or achievement; success
8) The ability to say or do the right or graceful thing
10) uncouth, savage
12) To permeate or saturate
15) Any overwhelming flood of water
16) Hard to please
18) inactivity, pause
19) A goddess; divinity of chastisement and vengeance
20) elect, choose
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