Wordly Wise Book 6 Lesson 13 Crossword
Down: 1) NOT upset3)  the place where a person or thing is usually found5)  Noticeable; Important; Standing out6)  gone out of style; no longer fashionable7)  fatigue, exhaustion8)  To put out or extinguish; To douse; To satisfy one's thirst9)  to stare with a fiercely or angrily piercing look.; dazzling or showy appearance; showiness.10)  a condition that makes life difficult. Across: 2)  to proceed or go.4)  to carry, move, or convey from one place to another.6) NOT cognizant9)  A style of waking or running, a pace11)  without waste producing results12)  reduce, squander13)  To burn or char on the surface


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