Junior Unit 15 Crossword
Down: 1)  Respectful submission or yielding, as to another's opinion, wishes, or judgment2)  Anything that gives security or defense; To fortify or protect3)  nauseate, glut4)  Easily provoked to anger7)  liability, obligation8) unyielding, intransigent10)  resisting, temperance11)  final, conclusive15)  Of or relating to a tailor, tailoring, or tailored clothing16)  reprobate, degenerate17)  Crudely, presumptuously, or noisily self-assertive20)  To soothe; to temper; to soften Across: 5)  To cut off or cut short6)  frustrate, impede9)  ruckus, commotion12)  maudlin, sentimental13)  Not clear to the understanding; puzzling14)  To transmit in payment16)  A premonition18)  The way in which a person behaves19) unrehearsed, spontaneous21)  crucial, essential


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