Term 2 -- Vocab Test #6 Crossword
Down: 2) Having no fixed or regular course; wandering. Lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity: an erratic heartbeat. Deviating from the customary course in conduct or opinion; eccentric. Irregular in performance, behavior, or attitude; inconsistent and unpredictable.3) Noisily and stubbornly defiant. Aggressively boisterous. Noisy or rough, esp in resisting restraint or control.5) To serve as an omen or a warning of; presage: black clouds that portend a storm. To indicate by prediction; forecast. To give warning of; predict or foreshadow.7) Characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected; "an attitude of melodramatic despair"; "a theatrical pose." Of or relating to actors or acting. Excessively dramatic or emotional; affected.9) To give praise to; glorify. A hymn or song of praise. Praise, glorify, or honor. Across: 1) A person or thing used to beguile or lead someone into danger; lure. Something designed to deceive an enemy or divert his attention. A bird or animal, or an image of one, used to lure game into a trap or within shooting range.4) To stand stiffly on end. To show anger, indignation.6) To laugh in a restrained, nervous way; giggle. A nervous giggle. A suppressed laugh, chuckle, or snigger.8) The act of recanting or disavowing a previously held statement or belief. A formal statement of disavowal. Something recanted or disavowed. The power of drawing back or of being drawn back. A disavowal or taking back of a previous assertion. The act of pulling or holding or drawing a part back.10) Flattery or praise; extreme admiration. Excessive or insincere praise.


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