Brain Anatomy Crossword
Down: 1) Outer layer cerebrum/Inner layer spinal cord; processing area of brain2) Inner layer cerebrum/outer layer spinal cord; communication region of brain3) Origin of spinal cord; where nerves cross; assist in controlling vital signs; hindbrain4) Destruction of myelin sheath surrounding axons; disrupted impulse flow; cannot transmit nerve impulses effectively5) Sorts and directs impulses to cerebrum; sensory interpretation area; switchboard of brain7) Portion of white matter that controls emotions, behavior, long term memories, smell Across: 3) Communicates impulses between brain stem and spinal cord with forebrain6) Communicate with third ventricle superiorly and subarachnoid space inferiorly8) Problem solving and creativity; Develops into mid 20's9) Transports nutrients and restricts chemicals to neurons10) Build myelin for axons11) Transmits impulses to and from hypothalmus; assists in respiratory control; part of hindbrain12) Controls certain vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration); controls endocrine functions via pituitary; part of forebrain


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