General Production Terminology Crossword
Down: 1) the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. 3) A secondhand account of an event or a retelling of another person's observations written by someone who did not witness or actually participate in the events. Includes sources that combine, synthesize, and or interpret information from primary sources. Examples include encyclopedias, textbooks, and reviews.4) a series of sketches that are used as a planning tool to visually show how the action of a story unfolds.6) _________________________: if something is in one position or state-of-being in one shot, it needs to be the same way in the next shot unless it has purposely been changed for storytelling purposes.7) involves any activities completed after the program has been shot until the finished product is finalized, including: adding music, editing, audio overdubs and adding sound tracks, graphics, and titles.10) a list of people who worked on a film / program; shown at the end.12) the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same. Protected by law. Across: 2) the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.5) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may be used. 7) refers to any activity on the program that occurs prior to the time that the cameras began recording (production meetings, costume design, set production, location surveys, script writing and music composition, etc.).8)  the technique of photographing or filming an actor or object against a green monochrome backdrop, and replacing the backdrop with material from a different image using a color filter.9) a particular group at which a video is aimed.11) An original document containing the observations, ideas, and conclusions of an individual. It is a firsthand account presented by someone present or actively participating in the event. Examples include manuscripts, photographs, oral histories, and personal journals.13) refers to the actual shooting of the program; includes: selecting equipment, operating equipment, directing, interviewing, lighting your set, setting up the audio, etc. 14) person seen by the camera or provides vocal skills to the production.15) a three-legged stand for supporting a camera.16) The process of selecting some footage, rejecting some, and assembling the pieces of video into a coherent motion picture. The editor assembles the video from the ground up.


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