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Vocabulary Test: 10.7.2024Words:animated, brood, constituent, culminate, downright, drone, goad, hanker, indulge, literate, loom, luster, miscellaneous, oration, peevish, seethe, singe, unique, upright, verify
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Vocabulary Test: vocabWords:afford, arena, baggage, burrow, chamber, column, jagged, shallow , venture, tour
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Vocabulary Test: CWU English Vocab 2Words:impede, allude, mollify, equivocate , laud, omit, denote, lambast, vindicate, obscure, deviate , refute, vilify, rationalize, eclipse, critique, diminish, embellish, correlate, collate, insinuate, perpetuate, castigate, champion, contradict
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Vocabulary Test: vocab elaWords:Refugee, Inseperable , indigenous , adversity , civilians , economy, malnutrition, vital, Displaced, Ritual , Harrowing , saturated , Acertain , Dowry, Humanitarian
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Vocabulary Test: Ela Vocab TestWords:adversity , civilians , Inseperable , indigenous , Refugee, saturated , Harrowing , Ritual , Displaced, vital, malnutrition, economy, Humanitarian, Dowry, Acertain
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Vocabulary Test: Apush oct7 pt 2Words:Farewell Address, Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793, Democratic-Republicans, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, Bank of the United States, Alien and Sedition Acts
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Vocabulary Test: HurricanesWords:intense, hurricane, flood, eye, energy, cyclone, vapor, thunderstorm, surge, spiral
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Vocabulary Test: Apush oct7 pt 1Words:Anti-Federalists, Federalists, Bank of the United States, Whiskey Rebellion, Federalist Papers, Bill of Rights
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Vocabulary Test: Animal Farm Chapters 5-8Words:machinations , categorically , capitulate , mangels , rash , unscathed , articulate, arable , malignity , perpendicularity , repose , manifestly , factions , stupefy , contrive , skulk
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Vocabulary Test: Bradley Oct 8thWords:maybe, donkey, surmise, frustrate, hibernate, entitled, icicle, lightning, escape, inflate, staple, athlete, discreet, complete
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab Unit 1Words:Carnivore, Habitat, Classify, Equation, Expression, Sum, Difference, factor, Product, Quotient, Vertebrates, Invertebrates, Herbivore, Omnivore
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Vocabulary Test: Presidential Election and Toolkit UnitWords:Voting, Legislative Branch , Excecutive Branch , Judicial Branch, democracy, citizens, monarchy, political, history, country, social studies, Prime Meridian, economics, latitude, political map, longitude, Constitution, Electoral College, government, geography, representative democracy, culture, movement, Human-Interaction-Environment , civics, place, direct democracy , political party, geography, responsibilities , rights, region, location
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Vocabulary Test: CP 10 Vocab 3Words:Urbane, Precedent, Fallow, Coerce, Artifice, Craven, Negligible, Adversary, Punitive, Liquidate
Test Also Includes: synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech
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Vocabulary Test: Module 8 vocab Words:Utopia , Perspective , Miche Angelo , Leonardo Da Vinci , Patrons, Secular , Renisance , Humanism , Vernacular , William shakespear, Skeplasism , Johan Gutenberg
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Vocabulary Test: Cyber Vocab 3Words:Clash, Resolution, Best Defintion, Warrant, Status Quo, Value, Framework, spread, Contention, Refutation, Constructive, Card, Brief, Affirmative, Abuse
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Vocabulary Test: spanish 3 - set #4Words:cara a cara, grabar un disco compacto, rápidamente, sirve para..., tener miedo (de), la composición, qué te parece?, complicado, -a, para qué sirve?, el sitio web, visitar salones de chat, la página web, la presentación, el informe, el laboratorio, navegar un la Red, los gráficos, la información, estar en línea, el documento, escribir por correo electrónico, tomar un curso, la diapositiva, la dirección electrónica, crear, el curso, la computadora portátil, la cámara digital , la canción, bajar, buscar, la carta, comunicarse (yo) me comunico (tú) te comunicas, enviar, la tarjeta
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