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Vocabulary Test: Unit 10Words:Plural, Pluralism, multiply, multidisciplinary , polygon, polytheistic, multitude, multimedia , megalopolis, Megalasaurus
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Vocabulary Test: Jan reg test 2 Words:Skeletal system functions , Red marrow , Yellow marrow , Bone stores minerals , Osteoporosis , Broken bones , Muscle , 3 types main types of muscles , Involuntary muscle , Smooth muscles , Cardiac muscles , Skeletal muscles , Voluntary muscle , Myofibril, Myosin , Actin, Sarcomere , Sliding filament theory , Muscle strength , atp, Aerobic respiration process
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Vocabulary Test: Jan 2025 reg test Words:Skin , 4 types of body tissues , Epidermis and the dermis , Epidermis , Keratin , Melanin , 28 days , Dermis , Hair follicles , Regulation of internal body temp , Abrasion , Axial Skeleton and appendicular skeleton , Joints , Ligament , Bursa , Tendons , Sprain , Arthritis , Ball and socket , Pivot joint , Hinge joint , Gliding joint , Compact bone and spongy bone , Compact bone , Osteocytes, Spongy bone , Osteoblast, Osteocytes , Epiphyseal plates
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Vocabulary Test: Test 8Words:Bondage, Defray, Diligent, Ghastly, Hew, Incessant, Intricate, Prim, Superfluous, Taunt
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Vocabulary Test: TX HISTORY REVIEW VOCABWords:Frontier, amendments, democracy, Manifest Destiny, Sectionalism, Abolitonist, Abolish, States rights, Secession, surrender, Martial law, Freedmen, Black codes, Confederacy, Total warfare, Expansion, Compromise, cede, 13th amendment, 14th amendment, 15th amendment, Emancipation, Slavery, Tariffs, Union
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab2Words:Egocentric, Sensorimotor Stage, Scaffolding , More Knowledgeable Other, Preoperational Stage, Direct Instruction, Elaboration, Punishment, Identity Vs. Role Confusion, Object Permanance, Autonomy Vs. Shame/ Doubt Stage, Zone of Approximate Development, Self-Directed Learning, Discovery Learning, Classification , Sensory exploration , Behaviorism, Reversibility , Humanism, Industrial vs. Inferiority Stage, Reinforcement , Trust vs. Mistrust Stage, Constructivism, Major Learning Theories, Aquisition, Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Memory, Consolidation
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Vocabulary Test: wk 6thWords:assigned, generosity, gingerly, mature, organizations, residents, scattered, selective
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Vocabulary Test: Infection Control Part 2Words:inflammation, local infection , Material Safety Data Sheet, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus , microorganism, mildew, motility , multiuse items, Mycobacterium fortuitum, natural immunity , nonpathogenic , nonporous , occupational disease, parasites , parasitic disease , pathogenic , phenolic disinfectants, porous, pus, quaternary ammonium compounds, Safety Data Sheet, sanitizing, sanitizing, scabies, single-use items, sodium hypochlorite , spirilla , Standard Precautions, staphylococci, sterilization, streptococci , systemic infection, tinea barbae, tinea capitis, tinea pedis, toxins, tuberculocidal disinfectants, tuberculosis, virucidal, Capable of destroying viruses
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Vocabulary Test: Madison's Test 1.16.25Words:Ambulatory, Amorphous, Anachronism, Analogous, Anathema, Anodyne, Aphasia, Aphorism, Apostrophe, Approbatory, Ascetic, Assignation, Assonance, Astringent, Augury
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Vocabulary Test: VocabWords:Cerebrum, Neuroplasticity, Neurodevelopment, Prefrontal Cortex, Limbic System, Metacognition , Feedback Driven Metacognition , Feedback, Desirable Differences, Encoding , Differentiated Instruction, Distributed Practices, Cramming , Neurons, Neurons, Brain stem, Cognitive Style, Social and Emotional Learning, Multisensory Learning, Cerebellum, Research-Based Practices Ar, Evidence-Based Practices, Executive functioning , Multitasking, Hippocampus, Storge, Growth Mindset, Neuroscience, Retrieval , Cognitive Rigidity, Spacing, Neurodiversity, Interleaving, Retrieval Practice, Fixed-Mind Set, Tabula Rasa, Learning Sciences, Cognition , Classical Conditioning , Lev Vygotsky's Development Theory, Operant Conditioning, Formal Operational Stage, Fine Motor Skills, Mental Schema, Information Processing Theory , Conservation , Cognitivism, Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, Embodied Mind and Perspective , Initiative Vs. Guilt Stage, Concrete Operational Stage, Social Constructivism, Puberty, Ego
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Vocabulary Test: Jan6-17Words:trench, summit, thrive, prehistoric, vital, glimpse, submersable, autonomous, remotely
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Vocabulary Test: grade 12 3BWords:precedent, sojourn, muse, negligible, craven, exhilarate, harass, inclement, artifice, alienate
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Vocabulary Test: SPANISH - Stem Changing Verbs: o -> ueWords:acordar, acostar, almorzar, aprobar, apostar, colgar, contar, costar, demostrar, devolver , dormir , Doler, encontrar, envolver, forzar, morder , morir, mostrar, mover, poder, probar, recordar, resolver, rogar, solar, sonar, son~ar, tostar , volar , volver, jugar, llover
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Vocabulary Test: Vocab (Travel)Words:la agencia de viajes, el/la agente de viajes, el equipaje, extranjero, a, hacer un viaje, la maleta, hacer la maleta, el pasaporte, planear, la reservación/las reservaciones, la tarjeta de embarque, el/la turista, abordar, la aduana, el aduanero/la aduanera, el aeropuerto, el anuncio, el/la auxiliar de vuelo, con destino a, de ida y vuelta, directo,a, durar, el empleado/la empleada, facturar, hacer escala, la inspección/las inspecciones de seguridad, la linea aérea, la llegada, el pasajero/la pasajera, el pasillo, el/la pilot, la puerta de embarque, registrar, el retraso, la salida, la ventantilla, el vuelo, abierto,a, cerrado,a, bienvenido,a, insistir en, listo, a, sugerir e to ie, tendremos, tener paciencia
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Vocabulary Test: VocabWords:travel agency, travel agent, travel agent, travel agent, travel agent, travel agent
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Vocabulary Test: Middle ColoniesWords:breadbasket colonies, indentured servant, pacifisits, Pennsylvania, cash crop, patroon, Philadelphia, William Penn, Quakers
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Vocabulary Test: Science Words:Vascular plant, Nonvascular plant, Rhizoids, Rhizomes, Frond, Fiddlehead, Annual
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Vocabulary Test: BiiooooWords:Nucleic Acid, DNA, RNA, three parts of a Nucleotide, four Nitrogen Bases for DNA, Adenine pairs with, Guanine pairs with, Uracil, Double Helix, DNA Replication, Semi-Conservative Replication, Chromosomes
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